The files module is a central place to store any kind of file that you will use in your site content. It manages uploads and also integrates with cloud providers. It has a powerful library that takes care of all the complicated things for addon developers. It takes your input and returns a standardized array as the result.
To use the library you must first load it using $this->load->library('files/files'); You are then ready to start using it in your module.
Note that you must set up your cloud provider credentials in CP > Settings > Files before you can interact with a cloud location
The first thing you should know is that every action performed by the Files library will return an array. It will be in this format:
array('status' => true, 'message' => 'A message string in the current language', 'data' => $any_available_data);
Creating a folder
Files::create_folder($parent_id, $folder_name);
Name | Description | Required | Type |
$parent_id | The id of the folder that this should be a child of. Use 0 to set this folder as top level. | Yes | Integer |
$folder_name | The name to give this folder. Defaults to 'Untitled Folder' | No | String |
$location | The location (local, rackspace-cf, or amazon-s3). Defaults to local | No | String |
$remote_container | If the location is a cloud provider then you must specify the bucket/container name. | No | String |
Uploading a file
To upload a file you must have a form in your view so that the user can select the file they wish to upload. It must be a multipart form.
< ?php echo form_open_multipart('your-module/upload');? >
<input type="file" name="userfile" />
< ?php echo form_close(); ? >
Now in your controller:
Files::upload($folder_id, $name);
Here's the cool part: if the folder that you are uploading to has its location set to a cloud provider the file will be uploaded to the cloud with no extra effort on your part.
Name | Description | Required | Type |
$folder_id | The id of the folder to upload to. | Yes | Integer |
$name | The name to give the file. Defaults to the uploaded file's filename. | No | String |
$field | The input field name. Default is 'userfile'. | No | String |
$width | If you wish to resize the image while uploading you can pass the desired width. | No | Integer |
$height | If you wish to resize the image while uploading you can pass the desired height. | No | Integer |
$ratio | If resizing the image should the resizer try to keep the same width to height ratio? | No | Boolean |
$allowed_types | A string of allowed types for uploading, separated by pipe characters. Ex: png|jpg. Defaults to the file type of the file being uploaded. | No | String |
$alt | Value for the 'alt_attribute' column for files. Useful for photos. | No | String |
$replace_file | If you want to update a file on the server, pass a file row object in this parameter. It will update the file instead of creating a new one, preserving the filename, name, description, and alt_attribute fields. | No | Mixed |
Array Returned
Files::upload returns the following:
- id
- folder_id
- user_id
- type
- name
- path
- description
- filename
- extension
- mimetype
- filesize
- width
- height
- date_added
Example Usage
$results = Files::upload($folder_id = 1);
if ($results['status']) {
$data = $results['data'];
} else {
$this->session->set_flashdata($results['status'] ? 'success' : 'notice', $results['message']);
Available Methods
// create a virtual folder
create_folder($parent = 0, $name = 'Untitled Folder', $location = 'local', $remote_container = '')
// check if a container is available in a cloud location
check_container($name, $location)
// create a container at a cloud location
create_container($container, $location, $folder_id = 0)
// get the contents of a folder
folder_contents($folder_id = 0)
// get a multidimensional array of all virtual folders
// rename a virtual folder
rename_folder($id = 0, $name)
// delete a virtual folder
// upload a file
upload($folder_id, $name = FALSE, $field = 'userfile', $width = FALSE, $height = FALSE, $ratio = FALSE)
// rename a local file (default) or move between local and cloud locations or between cloud providers
move($file_id, $new_name = FALSE, $location = FALSE, $new_location = 'local', $container = '')
// get a file by filename or id
get_file($identifier = 0)
// get all files records recorded in the database
get_files($location = 'local', $container = '')
// list all physical files. Does not depend on database records
list_files($location = 'local', $container = '')
// refresh the database records for this folder. Fetches new files from the cloud and deletes db records if file no longer exists.
// rename a file both in the database and on the filesystem if it's a local file. Only changes the record for cloud files
rename_file($id = 0, $name)
// deletes a file
delete_file($id = 0)
// searches folders and files for the term. Returns [limit] of each
search($search = '', $limit = 5)